It looks like you may have reached this page in error. If you are interested in starting tutoring with Tutor Associates, please call us at (646) 638-3504.
If you have already spoken with a Program Director, please refer to the email they have sent you to enroll.
At this time, we cannot process your enrollment. If you need assistance, you can reach us at
(646) 638-3504
Terms of Service
The following terms are a binding legal agreement between you (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) and Tutor Associates (hereinafter referred to as “TA”). Please read the terms carefully before using the services. Your use of the services means that you (Client) agree to be bound by the following terms.
In-Person Testing
Client understands that all in-person testing will take place at the following location: Loyola School, 980 Park Ave, New York, NY 10028 (entrance is on 83rd between Madison and Park Avenue).
Remote Testing
Client understands that TA uses Zoom as the primary platform for remote testing sessions. Students registered for remote testing sessions will receive an email with the Zoom link in the week leading up to the test.
Client further understands that TA is required to consent to educational data collection because TA provides educational services to children under the age of 18. Client affirms they have read Zoom's Children's Educational Privacy statement ( and consents to the educational data collection when their child(ren) uses Zoom for remote tutoring or testing sessions.
Client acknowledges that TA bills for practice testing at a rate of $150 for each in-person test and $75 for each remote-proctored test, due at the time of registration for each test. TA accepts Visa, Amex, Mastercard, and Discover.
Vaccinations & Masks
Client understands that, per Loyola High School’s policies, masks are optional both for employees and those attending in-person testing, regardless of vaccination status. Proctors will be equipped with extra masks should any student wish to wear one at testing.
Positive Test Results
Client understands that:
If their child is scheduled for an upcoming test and tests positive for COVID-19, TA should be notified.
Testing may proceed remotely while the child isolates for 5 days or until they are asymptomatic (if symptoms persist beyond 5 days).
The child should wear a mask for an additional 5 days following isolation.
Client understands that:
If any TA employee who has worked in-person with their child tests positive for COVID-19, the employee will isolate for 5 days (or until symptoms have subsided) and close contacts will be notified. Any TA employees who were exposed while working in-person with their child will additionally be notified.
Client understands that:
Exposed and asymptomatic TA employees are permitted to continue working in-person as long as they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Exposed and symptomatic TA employees will work remotely until symptoms have subsided.
Client understands that:
Exposed and asymptomatic children who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are not required to quarantine or be tested and may continue to attend in-person practice tests.
Exposed and symptomatic children who are vaccinated against COVID-19 may resume in-person testing once the child’s symptoms have subsided.
Exposed and asymptomatic and symptomatic children who are not vaccinated may resume in-person practice testing after a 5-day quarantine period. These students will also need to wear a mask for an additional 5-day period.
Suspected Illness
Client understands that:
If their child experiences symptoms of a contagious illness (but has not been exposed to COVID-19), in-person practice testing can resume once symptoms have subsided.
If a proctor notices a child is sick during in-person testing, they will help the child to a quiet room and contact Client for pick-up. In-person testing can resume once symptoms have subsided.
Waiver of Liability Related to COVID-19
Client acknowledges they have received a Waiver of Liability form ( and understands they are expected to sign the waiver of liability form prior to using TA’s services.
Client acknowledges and represents that they have carefully read the Terms of Service. Client further acknowledges and represents that they are completing enrollment voluntarily and in doing so agrees to be bound by the Terms of Service.
Client acknowledges and represents that they and their child(ren) receiving TA tutoring services have carefully read and signed the Waiver of Liability Related to COVID-19. Client further acknowledges and represents that they freely and knowingly assume the risk and waive their rights concerning liability as described in the Waiver of Liability form.
Choice of Law: Client understands and agrees that the law of the State of New York will apply to this contract.
Final Acknowledgment: Client acknowledges and represents that they have carefully read the above Terms of Service and the Waiver of Liability Related to COVID-19. Client further acknowledges and represents that they are completing this enrollment voluntarily and agrees to be bound by the Terms of Service. Client acknowledges and represents that they and their child(ren) receiving tutoring services from Tutor Associates have carefully read and understand all provisions of the Waiver of Liability Related to COVID-19, and freely and knowingly assume the risk and waive their rights concerning liability as described above.